I think the Westboro Baptist Church is in category all its own. Theres right, there's left, and then there's just plain nutcase.
~Question With Boldness~
JoinedPosts by ~Question With Boldness~
Are all SPIRITUAL Christians liberal?
by Fernando inin other words do they occupy the opposite end of the spectrum to the westboro baptist church?.
in other words is it "cognitive dissonance" that makes persons like anne rice defect from religion?.
Do you miss "dressing up" for the meetings?
by dozy ini was thinking about this the other day when doing a bit of tidying up of my wardrobe.
all the kh suits are now pushed to the back of the wardrobe and i am seriously thinking about a visit to the charity shop to get rid of most of them.. for me one of the (few) enjoyable aspects of being a jw was getting dressed up.
my secular work very rarely involves putting on a dress suit & tie so i miss getting dressed up - smart suit , tie , shiny shoes , slapping on the aftershave.
~Question With Boldness~
You know, I dress up when I go to church now. It is much more enjoyable and I WANT to dress up now that I don't HAVE to. I HATED it when we went to KH...
What was life like for you as a JW teenager?
by highdose inin the wt's illistrations they portray jw teenagers as happy, together group.
my experinace is that the jw teenagers in the cong were some of the bitchyist backstabbing arse holes i'll ever meet.. it was unheard of for us to engage in group "wholesome activity" as show in the wt's illistrations.
the competition amongst the girls for the handsome, sane and elders sons were cut throat.
~Question With Boldness~
Yeah, the "wholesome activity" was few and far between. I remember a couple barbeques when I was younger, a "dance" if you could call it that, and a party for one of the Elder's and his wife. Oh and the house warming party for another elder and his wife when they moved...
Other than that...yeah, nothing.
I didn't hang out with any of the people my age. There were only a few and I did not much care for them, or know them well, or desire to. There were maybe four or five females my age, two disfellowshipped. One, Amber, was the sort of "double life" JW, and she was a B*t*h. The other, Elise, was nice and we actually hung out a bit at high school, we were both on the school paper, so we chatted. Beyond that, we just never did anything and I haven't seen her since I left. We weren't close. And the males...well, they were divided into two camps. The double life jock JW, who I actually liked but they usually had worldly girlfriends. Taken. And the others were very theocratic brothers, studying for their baptism and terribly excited for the chance to unwind the electrical cords. You guys know the type....
Anyway, the boys... most were actually very attractive. But like I said one half was taken, the other half, well.... I was not interested. Not that my parents didn't try... Always with the little subtle, and not so subtle comments. And the funniest part, I was already dating someone at the time. A worldly guy from my school. He had way more character dimension than any of the "brothers". If my life had been a movie, my boyfriend would have been the dashing hero, and the JW men would have been the flat, random guy you see in the background buying coffee... He was twenty times more masculine, attractive and honorable in his teenage years than any of the JW men are TODAY. When he left for boot camp (yes. Soldier. Oh, did that piss my parents off!) was about the time this mid-twenties guy started being "groomed" by the Elders. Still was a ministerial servant, but you could just TELL he would be an Elder. He was the "golden boy" of the congregation. well, I made the crappy mistake of offhandedly mentioning to my sister how attractive he was. My father overhears and started instantly with the, "maybe we should invite him to dinner" and "maybe you should go out in service with him" yadda yadda. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. My own father, trying to pair his seventeen year old daughter with a 25-28 year old. At that age aren't the parents usually having panic attacks, "he's too old for you!" Geez.
All in all a very boring teenage life... But oh was I the most terrible daughter when I left. I didn't sleep around, smoke, drink, do drugs, run away, sneak out of the house go to wild parties. With all the vitriol and disgust they treated me with for leaving I was really tempted. Heck, I'm getting treated like I've done all this crap might as well go have the fun too....
Prayer Board for my website
by ~Question With Boldness~ inon the website i am working on building, i am trying to include a prayer page.
its just what it sounds like, a page that lists people who are in need of prayer.
if you know someone still in or is struggling with it, and would like them to be prayed for, or if you need some prayer yourself.
~Question With Boldness~
On the website I am working on building, I am trying to include a prayer page. Its just what it sounds like, a page that lists people who are in need of prayer. If you know someone still in or is struggling with it, and would like them to be prayed for, or if you need some prayer yourself. Its a JW site, but the prayer page is for all prayer needs, illness, injury, soldiers, firefighters, police, financial concerns, family concerns...anything. If you would like to be added or would like to add someone you know, please post it here, or send me a private message.
I do not post contact information or full names. I will post initials, first names or last names etc or the title and first name (Dr. Joe, SGT Mike, Officer Jones, etc)
Thanks and God bless.
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
by Bangalore inhow liberal or conservative are you?.
~Question With Boldness~
I don't like the small scope of the questions either but, interesting none the less...
85% Conservative 15% Liberal
I can see I need to work on that 15%
News Reports of Distraught North Koreans
by Band on the Run inthis morning on gma they showed film reports from north korea.
the people were beyond grief.
when the anchor queried the expert as to whether this was pure propoganda, the expert said no.
~Question With Boldness~
I live in South Korea on a military base, most people here seem to think its a mixture. Mostly staged but with the occassional infusion of genuine grief. "Dear Leader" is a GOD to them. They are isolated and brainwashed DAILY. Its so bad, I was told, that if a North Korean makes it across the border alive, they are automatically given South Korean citizenship. Everything is under the control of the powers that be....
by strymeckirules inwhat saying made it all around the country?.
the ones that were passed around, word of mouth.. for example.
"donations basis proves jehovah is behind the work!".
~Question With Boldness~
"What a timely and refreshing/encouraging talk Brother Monotone."
Have Jehovah's Witnesses (The WTBTS) taken the Best Years of your life?
by Hairyhegoat inhaving been a born in for 44 years i can say yes to this question.
my 2 sisters and 1 brother and my dad have nothing to do with my family now we have made our stand against the jw's.
i was always downtrodden at school for been a jw.
~Question With Boldness~
But, that just means I have a lot to make up for, and I'm going to enjoy it!
Have Jehovah's Witnesses (The WTBTS) taken the Best Years of your life?
by Hairyhegoat inhaving been a born in for 44 years i can say yes to this question.
my 2 sisters and 1 brother and my dad have nothing to do with my family now we have made our stand against the jw's.
i was always downtrodden at school for been a jw.
~Question With Boldness~
I got out fairly quickly, thanks to a very courageous man who was willing to dive in head first to drag me out of there, even if it meant cracking his skull on the shallow JW pool - so I can't begin to relate to some of the long term, several decades long stories some of you relate. But I do at times feel that it did take the better part of my years. I won't get into a pity party but I'll just say my childhood, youth and young adulthood were not pleasant, and the things that could've made it more enjoyable were stolen from me... There are the small things, the parties, the dances, dating... Never experienced those... then there are the larger things...So many past times and interests I could have pursued, so many good friends I could have made but didn't because they were worldly. So much time I wasted trying to convince others of a belief system that I would come to reject. So much charity I could have done/given but didn't....
Please Post Reasons For Not Believing The Witnesses Have The "Truth" Anymore
by minimus ini see a few want to believe in the watchtower's view of bible prophecy, scriptural understandings and the view that the "anointed remnant" dispense the "spiritual food at the proper time".. how would you refute those views?.
~Question With Boldness~
I do not have time to go through the pages and see if this has already been mentioned so I will just put it out there;
"the view that the "anointed remnant" dispense the "spiritual food at the proper time"."
Its really very simple to if not convince them they are wrong on this front, then at least get them to think about it. I know it turned my mother in knots...
The anointed remnant are the 144,000. The ones who partake. They are supposed to be the "faithful and discreet slave" "dispensing spiritual food at the proper time"
But the 144,000 are not neccesarrily a part of the Governing Body or writing committee. Even if they are, the "anointed" are not consulted on new light, policy or spiritual truths....
The Watchtower has even admitted that they do not "keep track" of who is partaking, or who is "of the anointed"
So how exactly are the "anointed" or "fds" dispensing that spiritual food?